The below table is a description of iphone icons and ipad icons, what they’re sizes and should be, and what their standardized names are. This information is all over, but the a thorough and yet concise version (and what i based the below on) can be found here.
Name | Size (pixels) | Platform |
Icon.png | 57 x 57 | Universial application icon |
Icon-settings.png | 29 x 29 | Universial application icon for settings area. Alternative name: Icon-Small.png |
Icon~ipad.png | 72 x 72 | iPad application icon. Alternative name: Icon-72.png Add some smaller (iPad doc: 64×64, other optional 32×32, 24×24, 16×16) custom icons to your project. See comments. |
Icon-spot~ipad.png | 50 x 50 | iPad icon for spotlight search. Alternative name: Icon-Small-50.png iPhone OS trims 1 pixel from each side and adds a drop shadow. The actual size is 48×48 pixels. |
iTunesArtwork.png | 512 x 512 | Universial application icon for iTunes App Store. Uploaded separately to iTunes. It’s included in the app bundle too, file name: iTunesArtwork. In an iPad application iPhone OS uses this image to generate the large (320×320) document icon if it is not supplied otherwise. |
Default.png | 320 (w) x 480 (h) | iPhone/iPod 2, 3 portrait launch image |
Default@2x.png | 640 (w) x 960 (h) | iPhone 4 hi-res portrait launch image |
Default~ipad.png | 768 (w) x 1004 (h) | iPad. Specifies the default portrait launch image. This image is used if a more specific image is not available. Use full size template (768×1024) to design this launch image. The 20 pixels height statusbar is on by default and occupies the top of the screen, aka the 1004 rows vs. 1024. |
Optional icons and images: | ||
Icon@2x.png | 114 x 114 | iPhone 4 hi-res application icon |
Icon-settings@2x.png | 58 x 58 | iPhone 4 hi-res application icon for settings/search area |
Icon-doc.png | 22 (w) x 29 (h) | Universial document icon |
Icon-doc@2x.png | 44 (w) x 58 (h) | iPhone 4 hi-res document icon |
Icon-doc~ipad.png | 64 x 64 | iPad document icon (small) |
Icon-doc320~ipad.png | 320 x 320 | iPad document icon (large) |
Background-xxx.png | 320 (w) x 480 (h) 640 (w) x 960 (h) 768 (w) x 1024 (h) |
iPhone/iPod Touch 2, 3 background image, iPhone 4 background image, full size iPad background image, full size. For most projects the status bar is hidden, so use full screen size by default. |
Default-PortraitUpsideDown~ipad.png | 768 (w) x 1004 (h) | iPad. Specifies an upside-down portrait version of the launch image. The height of this image should be 1004 pixels and the width should be 768. This file takes precedence over the Default-Portrait.png image file for this specific orientation. |
Default-LandscapeLeft~ipad.png | 1024 (w) x 748 (h) | iPad. Specifies a left-oriented landscape version of the launch image. The height of this image should be 748 pixels and the width should be 1024. This file takes precedence over the Default-Landscape.png image file for this specific orientation. |
Default-LandscapeRight~ipad.png | 1024 (w) x 748 (h) | iPad. Specifies a right-oriented landscape version of the launch image. The height of this image should be 748 pixels and the width should be 1024. This file takes precedence over the Default-Landscape.png image file for this specific orientation. |
Default-Portrait~ipad.png | 768 (w) x 1004 (h) | iPad. Specifies the generic portrait version of the launch image. The height of this image should be 1004 pixels and the width should be 768. This image is used for right side-up portrait orientations and takes precedence over the Default~ipad.png image file. If a Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png image file is not specified, this file is also used for upside-down portrait orientations as well. |
Default-Landscape~ipad.png | 1024 (w) x 748 (h) | iPad. Specifies the generic landscape version of the launch image. The height of this image should be 748 pixels and the width should be 1024. If a Default-LandscapeLet.png or Default-LandscapeRight.png image file is not specified, this image is used instead. This image takes precedence over the Default.png image file. |
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