Eve Online

I play Eve Online. This page is simply a collection of info I find useful on a regular basis.

My Invite a Friend link – sign up through this and we both get some rewards.

Killboard – zKillboard – Use this tool to get information about players, corporations, and even systems (including wormhole systems).

Market Info

Eve Market Prices – Eve Market Helper
Eve Market Data – https://eve-marketdata.com/

“Services” Provided by Players

Hauling – Need to fill out this info but basically sign up to the haulers list. When you do you’ll be sent an eve-mail with instructions about how to contact haulers when you need something moved. There are also certain corps / users that you can create a relationship and you can skip the public hauler channel altogether.

Wormhole Finding – If you get locked out of your wormhole (it happens) or for some reason you just need a path to a particular hole then you need a service to help you. Wingspan offers such a wormhole finding service at a not completely unreasonable price – but it ain’t cheap either.

Maps and Stats Per System

“Pathfinder” Mapper – https://www.pathfinder-w.space/

Wormhole Mapper – https://tripwire.eve-apps.com/


https://www.eve-scout.com – all links in and out of Thera can be found here

Fitting Related


Moon Mining Tutorial

Wormhole Info

There are windows for how long wormholes will be alive. (Shown in the “Show Info” menu for the wormhole, or just by looking at how wibbly it is if you’re good at it.)

  1. This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day (More than 24 hours remaining)
  2. This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won’t last another day (Less than 24 hours left, more than 4 hours left)
  3. This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime (Less than 4 hours left, generally don’t go through these ones unless you know the exact EOL – Which means End Of Life)
  4. (Never seen this one, but according to UniWiki it exists, so..) This wormhole is on the verge of dissipating into the ether (Apparently, minutes before it collapses, DO NOT go through under any circumstances, it will definitely close behind you.)

Developer Info

Swagger / API: https://esi.evetech.net/ui

Example RegionID => Sinq Laison = 10000032

Eve Developer Stuff: Here’s where i think you can get the IDs of items so you can store them locally instead of having to do multiple API calls to get what you want.